Dementia Care

Dementia is becoming more common in the elderly population of Australia. While research is ongoing it’s likely that everyone will be impacted by dementia in the future. Either you will develop the condition yourself, or you will know someone who is struggling with a diagnosis. It’s important to be aware that dementia is an umbrella term that covers hundreds of variations for the same conditions. This is why it’s important when searching for dementia care on the Mornington Peninsula that a company can provide a personalised solution. This is exactly what we offer. 

Our team at Home Caring focuses on providing a client-centric approach that will address your specific symptoms and your personal needs. 

How We Help 

When caring for dementia we provide a complete and comprehensive service. Our solutions include but are not limited to:

  • Assessing and developing a Behaviour Management Plan
  • Providing cognitive stimulation through a range of activities
  • Providing continuity of supports and routine to help support cognitive impairment and reduce anxiety and agitation
  • Support and education for families/carers on progression, signs and symptoms and best practice guidelines for Dementia care in the community
  • Assist carers and families with engaging with external supports specific to Dementia care communities
  • Exploring options for respite, fulltime care or additional supplement funding to help support loved ones living with Dementia

Know The Signs Of Dementia 

Are you worried that a loved one, friend or partner may be experiencing dementia? If so, then it is important to recognize the signs. While the symptoms of dementia can vary from person to person there are certain elements that you need to watch out for which could suggest your loved one requires the help of a dementia carer on the Mornington Peninsula. 

One of the most common, earliest signs is an issue with memory. Individuals who require dementia support will often struggle with changes to their short term memory. They could find it difficult to remember what they did yesterday or may forget what they were doing half way through a task. This can lead to difficult and dangerous situations which also impacts whether or not they are able to care for themselves without issues. 

A person who needs dementia care could also suffer from cognitive decline. Again, this can also make it more of a challenge to complete basic tasks that they previously had no trouble with at all. 

If you think that your loved one is showing signs of dementia, then it’s important to arrange an assessment with your general practitioner or geriatrician  as quickly as possible. This will make gaining the right dementia support for them far easier. Our management team are happy to help point you in the right direction of reputable and experienced Geriatricians on the peninsula to discuss with your GP.

How Will Your Loved One Benefit From Dementia Care?

Dementia care is based on ensuring that someone with this condition is still able to achieve the best possible quality of life. It can help guarantee that your loved one is never left in a dangerous situation or struggling to look after themselves. It may also provide them with the ability to socialise and engage in a wide range of activities that could benefit their wellbeing. 

Dementia home care will always be focused on ensuring that individuals remain comfortable and happy in their home. It can also ensure that they are able to continue working towards their life goals. Specialised Dementia Care could even be key to ensuring that the progression of the disease slows time, providing you more quality with your loved one.


How Will Your Loved One Benefit From Dementia Care?

Dementia care is based on ensuring that someone with this condition is still able to achieve the best possible quality of life. It can help guarantee that your loved one is never left in a dangerous situation or struggling to look after themselves. It may also provide them with the ability to socialise and engage in a wide range of activities that could benefit their wellbeing. 

Dementia home care will always be focused on ensuring that individuals remain comfortable and happy in their home. It can also ensure that they are able to continue working towards their life goals. Specialised Dementia Care could even be key to ensuring that the progression of the disease slows time, providing you more quality with your loved one.


Why Use Our Dementia Services?

Specialised Dementia care on the Mornington Peninsula should always be based around compassion, understanding and personalised support for each individual, as Dementia itself presents unique challenges for everyone living with it. At Home Caring we know this and that’s exactly what we offer as an expert team. We have years of experience helping individuals with dementia achieve the best quality of life. Our client-centric approach means that your loved one will never feel as though they are being provided with a cookie-cutter service. Instead, our first step will always be to find out as much about them as possible and ensure that we know what their personal goals are. 

You might be thinking about providing dementia carer support yourself on a personal level. While this is certainly admirable, it’s important to understand the complexity and difficulty of this task. It will forever change the relationship that you have with your loved one as they see you as a carer and you begin to see them as a patient. Individuals with dementia will also often require 24/7 support. This could be a struggle, particularly when you have your own lifestyle goals. That’s why it can be more beneficial to trust your loved one in the hands of experts. 

If you are interested in learning more about the in-home dementia care Mornington Peninsula residents can access through our service, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our team today. We can arrange an initial consultation or provide you with more information about what our service entails and how it could benefit your loved one.