

Hi, I’m Felicity!

Location :

Resides near Frankston
Ancestry is French/ Egyptian
Areas serviced: Everywhere!!!

Hobbies :

Pet friendly carer
Hobbies include: Dancing, listening to every and all types of music, playing with my kids, singing (poorly), making latch hook rugs, working and working, drinking excessive amounts of coffee, more work, sometimes sleep, addicted to studying, and of course more work! 😀

Credentials, Qualifications and Experience :

I have my WWCC, NDIS screen and Police check. I hold a current First aid and CPR certificate. I am a registered nurse with a double masters in Nursing, Degree in psychology and adult education, dual diploma in training and assessment, now working towards my Masters of Business and masters in dispute resolution and mediation. I have worked as a RN for the past 6 years, prior to that was a PCA, hair dresser, ran a restaurant (hungry jacks) and worked as a child care worker

Personal Skills :

I can speak a bit of Dutch, and am told I drive like a Parisian taxi driver…. Not sure if that’s a skill or a flaw

Best qualities from feedback from clients :

I’m told I have a nack for pairing the right people together even if it takes 1 or 2 goes, I’m persistent, talkative, outgoing, not very funny but I try, excellent nursing mind!