

Hi, I’m Kristie!

Location :

Resides near Frankston
Ancestry is Scottish, English and New Zealand
Areas serviced: Everywhere!!

Hobbies :

Pet friendly carer
Hobbies include: Playing with the kids, listening to music, crafting with my cricket machine, swimming, playing poker, football fanatic!

Credentials, Qualifications and Experience :

I have my WWCC, NDIS screen and Police check. I hold a current First aid and CPR certificate. Diploma of nursing, post qualification wound courses and chronic/acute disease management. Have been a community nurse for 8 years and 5 years in aged care

Personal Skills :

Master poker player and card shuffler

Best qualities from feedback from clients :

Sensitive and great listener, attention to detail is amazing, excellent clinical knowledge, master if IDC/SPC management, magician with the roster